Algorithm classification
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- 1 Linear algebra problems
- 2 Algorithms on lists and arrays
- 3 Computational geometry
- 4 Computer analysis and modeling
- 5 Miscellaneous applied problems
- 6 Cryptographic algorithms
- 7 Other algorithms
1 Linear algebra problems
1.1 Matrix and vector operations
1.1.1 Vector operations
Pairwise summation
Uniform norm of a vector: Real version, serial-parallel variant
Dot product
The serial-parallel summation method
1.1.2 Matrix-vector operations Multiplying a nonsingular matrix by a vector Multiplying a matrix of special form by a vector
- Fourier transform
1.1.3 Matrix operations
1.2 Matrix decompositions
Triangular decompositions
Gaussian elimination (finding the LU decomposition)
LU decomposition using Gaussian elimination without pivoting
LU decomposition using Gaussian elimination with pivoting
Cholesky method
- Available triangular decompositions for matrices of special form
Unitary-triangular factorizations
QR decomposition of dense nonsingular matrices
QR decomposition methods for dense Hessenberg matrices
Reducing matrices to compact forms
Unitary reductions to Hessenberg form
Unitary reductions to tridiagonal form
Eigenvalue decomposition (finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors)
- Unitary non-similarity reductions to compact forms
1.3 Solving systems of linear algebraic equations
- Direct methods
Linpack benchmark
- Matrices of a special form
- Triangular matrices
Methods for solving tridiagonal SLAEs
- Methods for solving block triangular matrices
- Block forward substitution (real version)
- Block backward substitution (real version)
- Methods for solving block bidiagonal matrices
- Methods for solving block tridiagonal matrices
- Methods based on the conventional LU decomposition
- Other methods
- Solving systems of linear algebraic equations with coefficient matrices of special form whose inverses are known
- Iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations
1.4 Solving eigenvalue problems
Eigenvalue decomposition (finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors)
- Partial eigenvalue problem
Singular value decomposition (finding singular values and singular vectors)
1.5 Algebra of polynomials
2 Algorithms on lists and arrays
2.1 Search algorithms
- Linear search: Finding an item in an arbitrary list, [math]O(n)[/math]
Binary search: Finding the position of a target value within a sorted array, [math]O(\log(n))[/math]
2.2 Sorting algorithms
2.3 Graph algorithms
- Graph traversal
Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP)
Breadth-first search (BFS) (for unweighted graphs)
Dijkstra's algorithm
Bellman-Ford algorithm
Δ-stepping algorithm
All Pairs Shortest Path (APSP)
Transitive closure of a directed graph
Longest shortest path
Construction of the minimum spanning tree (MST)
Search for isomorphic subgraphs
Graph connectivity
Shiloach-Vishkin algorithm for finding the connected components
Disjoint set union
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
DCSC algorithm for finding the strongly connected components
Tarjan's biconnected components algorithm
Tarjan-Vishkin biconnected components algorithm
Tarjan's algorithm for finding the bridges of a graph
Vertex connectivity of a graph
Gabow's edge connectivity algorithm
Finding maximal flow in a transportation network
Finding minimal-cost flow in a transportation network
Assignment problem
- Betweenness centrality algorithm
3 Computational geometry
- Finding the diameter of a point set
- Finding the convex hull of a point set
- Delaunay triangulation
- Voronoi diagram
- Point-in-polygon problem
- Convex polygon intersection
- Star-shaped polygon intersection
3.1 Computer graphics
- Line drawing algorithms: Approximating a line segment on discrete graphical media
- Determining visible parts of a three-dimensional scene
- Ray tracing: Rendering realistic images
- Global illumination: Regarding direct illumination and reflection from other objects
4 Computer analysis and modeling
4.1 Computer benchmarks
4.2 Algorithms of quantum system simulation
4.3 Machine learning algorithms
4.3.1 Neural networks
4.3.2 Game theory algorithms
5 Miscellaneous applied problems
5.1 Optimization algorithms
- Linear programming
- Simplex algorithm
- Branch and bound method
- Genetic algorithms
- Ant colony algorithms
- Hybrid algorithms
Stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP)